Hate Violence

All of KCAVP's services are free and confidential.

If you need help, call 24/7: 816-349-9371 or Email info@kcavp.org.

What is Hate Violence?

Hate Violence (also called hate or bias crimes) are incidents of violence committed against people or their property out of hatred because of who they are or who they are perceived to be. These crimes are often more brutal than others kinds of attacks. People commit hate violence against others based on their identity, like their sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, and disability. Hate violence includes verbal harassment, harassment by phone, email, or social media, property damage, threats of assault, assault or “bashing,” sexual harassment or assault, rape, and murder. Hate violence is not only meant to hurt the victim, but it is also meant to send a message of hate and fear to the larger community. KCAVP provides support to LGBTQ survivors of hate violence as well as individuals of all identities who have experienced hate violence based on their perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.

Common Responses to Hate Crimes

Victim-survivors of hate crimes often experience:

    • Fear for themselves, their families, their communities, and/or their livelihoods

    • Feelings of powerlessness and vulnerability

    • Change of lifestyle- limiting their activities outside the home and not going out alone

    • Loss of confidence in law enforcement and/or the criminal justice system

    • Feelings of betrayal and injustice

    • Questions about their ability to protect themselves

    • Depression

    • Sadness

    • Anxiety

    • Anger

    • Stress

    • Alienation

    • Self-Blame

    • Post Traumatic Stress

If you have experienced anti-LGBTQ hate violence, please contact us at 816-349-9371 or info@kcavp.org. You can also report a hate crime here.

To learn about our services for survivors of hate crimes, please click here.